Here is an interesting concept I learned recently, Quote; “Act like you cannot afford bread, when you own the whole bakery,” Dwayne Johnson – The Rock.  God is the creator of Heaven and Earth, God made it, he owns it, he runs it, God owns the whole bakery.  Quote; “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.”  “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” Planet Earth circles this unregarded yellow sun, far out there in some backwater, and somewhere on the surface of that ‘Pale Blue Dot’ circling that unregarded yellow sun, is a country, and in that country, there is a county, in that county there is a village, within that village, hi there, there you are. Quote; “The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything in between is complex, and we find that the answer is 42.” “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” But 42 is nothing more than 7×6; Seven, is always God, Perfection, Completeness, Purity, where Six is always imperfection, falling short, coming up light, incomplete, thus Seven = God, and Six = Satan, Sin, Falling Short, Incomplete.  Have you found that the answer to “The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything in between,” is “42,” ‘Good Vs Evil,’ and the victor is actually standing right there in front of you, Jesus Christ, the only son of the owner of the whole bakery?  

Quote; “Brethren and sisters, it is by beholding that we become changed. By dwelling upon the love of God and our Saviour, by contemplating the perfection of the divine character and claiming the righteousness of Christ as ours by faith, we are to be transformed into the same image. Then let us not gather together all the unpleasant pictures–the iniquities and corruptions and disappointments, the evidences of Satan’s power–to hang in the halls of our memory, to talk over and mourn over until our souls are filled with discouragement. A discouraged soul is a body of darkness, not only failing himself to receive the light of God, but shutting it away from others. Satan loves to see the effect of the pictures of his triumphs, making human beings faithless and disheartened. {5T 744} 

Quote; “If but one soul would have accepted the gospel of His grace, Christ would, to save that one, have chosen His life of toil and humiliation and His death of shame. If through our efforts one human being shall be uplifted and ennobled, fitted to shine in the courts of the Lord, have we not cause for rejoicing?” {MH 135} We live on that ‘Pale Blue Dot,’ circling a small unregarded yellow sun, “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy, where lies our small unregarded yellow sun.” You are a miniscule speck on that pale blue dot, which is circling that unregarded yellow sun, God sees you, God cares, and if you were the only soul in this vast universe that sinned, Christ would still have suffered and died, Just to give you the chance that should you arise and go to my Fathers House repenting, then when your hungering soul knocks on the Bakery doors, they will swing wide open and there is bread enough for the hungry, Quote; “Act like you cannot afford bread, when you own the whole bakery,” Dwayne Johnson – The Rock.  Humbly act like God’s child, even when your Father in Heaven owns everything.  God is willing and able, we must come home, the Holy Spirit will help us every step of the way, but we must come repentantly home and knock firmly on ‘The Bakery Door,’ the door will swing open, we will be welcomed home with open arms, and the rejoicing will go on far into the night, my lost is found, my dead is alive, my child has come home, let us sing and rejoice, bread anyone? 

John 6:35 “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”  John 6:51 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”  We need to rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.  We need to carry bread and give abundantly to the hungry, point them to Jesus, show them the ‘Bakery Door,’ teach them to knock, Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”  The ‘Bakery Door’ is very close by, Heaven is just a ‘Prayer Away,’ the wafting aromas of the bounties of heaven waft through the gaps and cracks, the bounties of heaven are very near, so why will you perish without, I will arise and go to my Father the Baker, confess and he will feed me real food, for a very long time.  Quote; “Not because we first loved Him did Christ love us; but “while we were yet sinners” He died for us. He does not treat us according to our desert. Although our sins have merited condemnation, He does not condemn us. Year after year He has borne with our weakness and ignorance, with our ingratitude and waywardness. Notwithstanding our wanderings, our hardness of heart, our neglect of His Holy Word, His hand is stretched out still.  Grace is an attribute of God exercised toward undeserving human beings. We did not seek for it, but it was sent in search of us. God rejoices to bestow His grace upon us, not because we are worthy, but because we are so utterly unworthy. Our only claim to His mercy is our great need.  The Lord God through Jesus Christ holds out His hand all the daylong in invitation to the sinful and fallen. He will receive all. He welcomes all. It is His glory to pardon the chief of sinners. He will take the prey from the mighty, He will deliver the captive, He will pluck the brand from the burning. He will lower the golden chain of His mercy to the lowest depths of human wretchedness, and lift up the debased soul contaminated with sin. {MH 161} I will arise and go to my Father the Baker, confess and he will feed me real food, for a very long time, for “My Father owns the Bakery,” anyone for some Fresh Hot Bread, anyone?