This poses a very interesting question, and an absorbing and interesting concept for our postulation and thoughts, something that you may feel very embarrassed about, not very comfortable with, that unfamiliar territory, or do you thrive and blossom in such a world, where your Spouse absolutely ‘Adores You,’ you are absolutely safe and protected in their care, love and adoration, and you are thus enabled to blossom and to thrive in their love and adoration for you.  You are safe in their arms, never ‘used and abused,’ ‘never taken advantage of,’ ‘never manipulated and controlled,’ for you are totally safe, all of you is treasured, pampered and protected, hence you blossom and thrive in their enfolding, enclosing, embracing and treasuring love, devotion and adoration, for you are completely safe in their arms.  For you are loved, you are adored, all of you, absolutely, completely, right down to every wart or mole, even those bits that are not pert and shapely, even those sags, bags, claw like toes, and all those other bits, that nobody knows, you are loved, all of you, completely, so “Are you comfortable being Adored?”

One writer posed this concept, that if I were the only person in Gods vast universe to ever sin, then Jesus Christ was immediately prepared to go through it all, Calvary, the Cross, that’s including everything, just so that you had that opportunity, that should you ever arise and repent and come back to “My Father’s Home,” come back to God, forgiveness and restoration was therefore freely available, even for one only person.  Now that’s scarry stuff for me to comprehend, so then “Are you comfortable being Adored?”  God made you; God has done everything, and way much more to Save you, Gods love for you is off the charts, beyond measure, limitless, compassionate, treasuring, adoring, “Are you comfortable being Adored?”  God has your very best in heart, he loves you so much that he cannot even take his adoring eyes off of you, He will only do for you things that you are comfortable with, and when you step into Eternity, and look back over your life, the paths that God has led you through, are only places that you are comfortable with, paths that you would have chosen for yourself, had you been able to in overview see all the paths, then God chose best, but then my wilful and wayward choices, well let’s not go there right now, remember that Gods love for you is so immense, so beyond measure, God is prepared to turn the world upside-down, just for you, so then, “Are you comfortable being Adored?”

Consider a “Dog Owner,” who comes back home, there is lots of barking, exuberant tail wagging, wiggling, jumping, pawing at the closed door, doing laps in enthusiasm, and when they burst through the door and meet, and when there the dog throws themselves into their owners arms, licking, wiggling, joyous exuberance, my “Master is greatly Adored,” and I will show them how joyous it is to feel their cuddling embrace, and as the joyous meeting and greeting is completed, then the dog is glued to their masters leg, and follows along as closely as possible, they “Are comfortable being greatly adored.”  Cat owners have a similar but different greeting, they bunt and push their way in, they flop onto a lap, head bunting hands for attention, demanding scratches and cuddles and smooches, rub my head, my ears, my chin, my belly, my everything, and as they require less cuddles and smooches, then they collapse into laps and into your arms, and die, that is, drop instantly into a deep and restful sleep, I am safe here, nobody can get to me as my Master is protecting me, as I am safely protected in their arms.  If a dog is comfortable around you, it will come up to you, it will sit right in front of you and stare into your eyes, if you do not respond, a paw will invariably come up and paw at you to gain your attention, notice me, after some attention, a dog will often flop on top of your feet and pinning you down, got-you, you are mine, I am going to receive everything from you.  Dogs even know where ‘The Treats,’ are kept, and will often lead you over to the cupboard or container, look at it and then looking at you, and will keep this up, in essence saying, come on now, I am a good Dog, treats time, hurry up.  Some humourist gave us this, spell ‘Dog’ backwards, and you get ‘God’ and the loyalty a faithful dog showers upon its owner and family, is so deep and abiding, that it often reminds us of the undying and devoted loyalty that God showers upon us all the time. Now “Adoration,” in its purest form, is “Marriage.” Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”  Basically, in marriage, we no longer have two persons, that is a Husband and a Wife, but one only composite being, Matthew 19:6 “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”  Now let us play with this verse, Galatians 2:20 “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”  Here Paul is portraying his ‘marriage’ to Christ as, he has emptied himself right out, and then filled himself right up with Jesus, ‘I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,’ so if you want to meet Paul, then you must go find him “In Christ.”  Thus “Marriage,” is the only place pure “Adoration” is possible, as it is “Spousal,” thus in using the concept that Paul has alluded to, then “Adoration” is nothing more than appreciating yourself, which is within your spouse, as you are within your spouse, so you are caring for yourself, and as your spouse is ‘in-you’ then you should live healthy and fit, as your spouse liveth within you, now that is room for some very deep contemplation.  Now back to the “Bottom Line,” and “In Conclusion,” “Are your comfortable in being Adored?”