There is a lot of information, and there is also plenty of mis-information on this subject, but what is actually wrapped up in this deep and seemingly complex subject??  Now the Hebrew Language allows us to examine this subject from the angle of “The Romance Gospel,” but then what is actually “A Covenant?”  Quote; “Application of the term; Properly used of a compact between man and man; either between tribes or nations (1 Sam 11:1; Josh 9:6,15) or between individuals (Gen 21:27) in which each party bound himself to fulfill certain conditions and was promised certain advantages.  In making covenants God was solemnly invoked as a witness (Gen 31:53), whence the expression “a covenant of the Lord” (1 Sam 20:8; cf. Jer 34:18-19; Ezek 17:19), and an oath was sworn (Gen 21:31). Accordingly, a breach of a covenant was regarded a heinous sin (Ezek 17:12-20).  The Marriage contract is called “the Covenant of. . . God” (Prov 2:17).  As a witness of the covenant, a gift was presented (Gen 21:30) or a heap of stones was set up (Gen 31:52).  It is also improperly of a covenant between God and Man. As man is not in the position of an independent covenanting party, such a covenant is not strictly a mutual compact, but a promise on the part of God to arrange His providences for the welfare of those who should render him obedience. {The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary P 259}

Quote; “The New Covenant, (Jer 31:31-34).  The Concept of the ‘New Covenant’ is Jeremiah’s most important contribution to biblical thought.  The O.T. frequently mentions the ‘Covenant of God’ made with Israel (Ex 19:3-8; 24:3-8; Deut 29:1-29) which covenant was the foundation of the Israelite’s national and religious life. God makes clear through Jeremiah, that Israel has failed to keep this covenant, (Jer 7:21-26; 11:1-13) and predicts that he will make a new one with his people.  The New Covenant will not be a new law (the old law was still good), but it will produce a new “Heart”-i.e., it will confer a new motivation to obey the law of God.  Jesus, while instituting the Lord’s Supper, declared, “This cup of the New Covenant in my blood” (ASV. 1 Cor 11:25; cf. Lk 22:20).  The Hebrews Epistle teaches that Christ brought in the New Covenant by his perfect and final sacrifice for sin (Heb 7:22; 8;7-13; 10:15-22; cf. 2 Cor 3:5-14). {The Wycliffe Bible Commentary P 679}

So, what went so terribly wrong with “The Old Covenant,” that it had to be replaced??  Exodus 19:7-8 “And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him.  And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD.”  Israel is at Mount Siani in Arabia, God comes down in fire and smoke, lays out “The Terms and Conditions,” in essence “the Marriage Contract,” and in unison the people agree to be pure and loyal to him, but in just a few short hours they had broken the agreement, the holy covenant, served other gods, were sexually immoral, and in essence got divorced.  God had a think, “New Covenant,” God will do everything this time, Psalm 40:8 “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law [is] within my heart.”  God does it all, we just agree, and follow.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  So, God’s thoughts and ways are way beyond our comprehension so God uses Parables, people’s experiences, scripture stories, and now we can comprehend Spiritual things from Physical things.  Take the story in Ezekiel Chapter 16, God chooses us when we are at our most vulnerable and at our worst, freshly born, abandoned, naked, yet he loves us beyond comprehension. Now to get to the fullest comprehension, just ask Hosea to tell you, maybe take his wife Gommer aside as she has experienced the fullness of God’s forgiveness, and then restoration, just read the whole book of Hosea.  Here in summary; Hosea is the Lead Pastor in the district, but single, God selects for him a wife, and quickly they have a good-sized family, but then there is a problem, Gommer is definitely the mother, but then there are so many different fathers, as she has played ‘the harlot,’ been unfaithful to Hosea, and by this, thing go so terribly wrong for her, she is finally sold into sin and slavery.  God and Hosea are having a wee chat, Hosea now fully comprehends God’s very awkward situation, the consequences of sin, he has a flock of children, and no wife, as she has been sold out to slavery.  God says, we need to get you a wife now so that your ministry can flourish, and the children can be cared for.  Hosea replies, all handled, already got that one covered.  God, who, missed that one, Hosea, she is Gommer, my Wife, God, you have got to be kidding, after all that she has put you through, are you really sure.  Hosea, more sure now than ever before.  God, well if you are so sure, you had better run as fast as you can to the market place, as any second now she comes up on the auction block for sale.  Hosea is up and running, and there she is, naked and fearful, the consequences of her adulterous lifestyle has finally led her here, but who would want a middle-aged woman of loose morals, actually who out there looking on has actually fathered some of my children, she wonders.  Bids are slow and low, and then Gommer hears that compassionate voice of Hosea, the husband that she has so disrespected, bidding to buy her back, Going, Going, Gone, sold to Hosea, one useless woman.  Quickly, a robe is swirled and wrapped around her, cradled in his strong embrace, and her feet fleeing Home, they reach the safety of familiar surroundings, she quickly cleans and bathes, her cloths are still hanging up, she dresses in her very best, and comes before her hero, her redeemer, her new owner, her Husband, cleansed, forgiven, restored, loved greater than any of her useless lovers of the past, but that is all now in the forgiven and forgotten past, a new life stretches forth before, a “New Covenant.”  Just ask Gommer, her ‘Old Covenant Agreement,’ her old marriage she completely destroyed by her foolish sinning, but her old husband still loved her, diligently sought for her, found her on the scrap pile, being auctioned off cheap, he loved her, he bought her, he brought her back home, he washed her clean, cleansed and restored her, now her “New Covenant Agreement,” her new marriage, that is married to her old husband, that brand new life, that new marriage, abounding in gratitude and praise, loyalty and devotion that she will shower upon him for a very long time, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new, “New Covenant.” In conclusion; let us take something Physical to comprehend something Spiritual, we are all “Gommer,” we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, we have committed ‘spiritual adultery,’ in that we have followed other gods, we have wrecked our lives, hit rock bottom, and now are naked and afraid standing upon the slave block, awaiting some buyer to enslave us even deeper, the “Old Covenant” we have broken, but up steps Jesus, his shed blood upon Calvary is a hugely and exorbitantly high price, but he lays it all down to buy us back, to redeem us, to reinstate us, to marry us once more, a new chance, a new life, a life free from sin and sorrow, a “New Covenant.”  By the way, have you accepted his magnanimous offer and acquired your “New Covenant,” its results are eternal, they do go on for a very long time.  Spiritual Application; The ‘Covenant,’ both of them, have the same ‘Terms and Conditions,’ Deuteronomy 6:5 “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”  It is all about full and complete commitment, and whether you are at your uttermost or guttermost, God is still there.  Gommer had the old covenant, married to God, but threw it all away, treated it with little respect, of miniscule value, until she lost it, ended up on the auctioning block, physically and spiritually naked, just like Adan and Eve, but Jesus diligently sought me, he found me, he bought me, he brought me back home, Song of Solomon 2:4 “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me [was] love.”  That is “Marriage Terminology,” that is ‘Covenant Language,’ will you respond and give Jesus yourself, always??  Revelation 21:2 “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”  Will you ‘Accept the Terms and Conditions,’ and prepare your body and soul, and remain Covenant married to God??