The Christian Way
The Christian Way Here are some Scriptures, and in various Version and Translations, to assist us in better representing Jesus…
The Christian Way Here are some Scriptures, and in various Version and Translations, to assist us in better representing Jesus…
The Cockroach of Temptation Let us play with a modern Parable in this vein, it is a lovely Spring/Summers Day,…
Render unto Caesar Jesus was given a most difficult and sticky problem, as was written down in Matthew, and the…
High Treason In this Article we explore a bit into the depths of some of the statements made and alluded…
Showers of Blessings The Humorist once said, “God sends the rain on the Just and on the Un-Just fella, but…
Married to the Monarch The world has been recently saddened with the passing of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,…
Accuser of the Brethren Thinking on this point, we find quite a nice selection sprinkled throughout Scripture, but who is…
Huff n Puff Far out in the back country, was a small rural town, and the white church with the…
What does God require of Me? This is an interesting question to pose, and depending who you ask, then the…
He Don’t Love Me I came across this from an old book, and in essence, the writer is being a…