Jesus Christ First
Jesus Christ First Here is something that a chap pointed out to me the other day at our Prayer Fellowship,…
Jesus Christ First Here is something that a chap pointed out to me the other day at our Prayer Fellowship,…
Parakletos: Our Friend Jesus Promised the Disciples; “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient that I go away:…
God Phoned Me Here is a story that I read years ago, in a great book, and it is only…
Written in the Sand Here is a deeper look into a well-known story from the Bible for us to ponder…
The Fig Tree Here is something that the Holy Spirit has taught me and I trust that you will be…
The Reunion Separated at birth, adopted out, parted from biological family, moved far far away, life has now moved onwards…
Come Out of Sin I was watching a TV Program and it was the Testimony of a group of people…
Overhaulin I am what you call “a petrol head,” in that I love anything with a motor in it, and…
Batteries not Included In this Article we are exploring an interesting concept; so here goes, and our Title is the…
Ingratitude I came across this quote recently and it got me thinking, so it is now time to share this…